JAX Lafayette Outdoor Gear

JAX Lafayette Outdoor Gear

JAX Lafayette Outdoor Gear

900 South Highway 287
Lafayette, CO 80026
(720) 266-6160
Closed Open Tuesday at 9am


Monday  9am - 7pm
Tuesday  9am - 7pm
Wednesday  9am - 7pm
Thursday  9am - 7pm
Friday  9am - 7pm
Saturday  9am - 7pm
Sunday  9am - 6pm
JAX Lafayette Outdoor Gear, 900 South Highway 287, Lafayette, CO, US
JAX Lafayette Outdoor Gear

JAX Lafayette Outdoor Gear

JAX Outdoor Gear Lafayette is proud to serve customers of Lafayette and the Boulder Valley with the best outdoor gear from the brands you know and love! Our knowledgeable staff can get you in the quality gear you need with expertise in camping equipment, fishing tackle, archery, hunting equipment, footwear, clothing, military surplus, a full-service bike shop, and more!

JAX Outdoor Gear Lafayette has also received:

Winner for Best Shoe Store in the best of Boulder East County 2017 by the Boulder Weekly
Winner for Best Bicycle Shop in the best of Boulder East County 2017 by the Boulder Weekly
Honorable Mention for Gift Store supplies in the best of Boulder East County 2017 by the Boulder Weekly
Honorable Mention for Clothing in the best of Boulder East County 2017 by the Boulder Weekly